Session Video Space for positioning sign language player POV: It’s 2023 and most images have bad alt text. Why is that? We know alt text is required to reach any level of WCAG conformance and it’s one of the top 5 most common errors in digital accessibility lawsuits and demand letters. Take a look at […]
Tag: Content Creators
Session Video Space for positioning sign language player Unfortunately, when developing WCAG2, the Working Group did not envision the current world where mobile is almost ubiquitous. For example, on a mobile device, there is no continual access to a keyboard (unless someone is using it as an add-on to the device – or using a […]
Session Video Space for positioning sign language player When auditing sites, most people understand and know WCAG 2.1 requirements. However, when using a tool like WordPress, there are guidelines that are sometimes overlooked: ATAG. This talk will walk through what is needed to understand and test ATAG successfully when using an authoring tool and how […]
Session Video Space for positioning sign language player We are familiar with what we do. Too familiar. That is why it becomes harder and harder to objectively test our wordpress websites. By doing usability and accessibility tests, you can find how to improve the accessibility of your site with data driven decisions!