WordPress Accessibility Day 2023

Tag: Designers

Session Video Space for positioning sign language player This presentation is a practical demonstration of how to build an accessible WordPress page and post using the block editor. The demonstration will refer to specific accessibility topics and how to make sure they are considered during the page creation process. Two complete and accessible web pages […]

Session Video Space for positioning sign language player Micro-interactions and animations can be a really fun way to add a little bit of flair and personality to a website. There are some basic guidelines to follow in general when it comes to animations, but what about when it comes to respecting the preferences of the […]

Session Video Space for positioning sign language player Whether it’s FAQs or collapsible forms, accordion elements require extra care and attention when being designed and developed. This talk will go into the basics of structuring an accordion, best practices around ARIA labels and semantic elements, and explore some additional resources for building your accordions with […]

Session Video Space for positioning sign language player Every day we have a series of choices to make. Get up early to work out or hit the snooze button? Double foam mocha latte or decaf green tea? Tabs or spaces? Our choices — even the small ones — shape our identities and help frame how […]

Session Video Space for positioning sign language player Emerging technologies necessitate an expanded knowledge base and technical proficiency in fields such as digital accessibility. We’re looking at things like how to design user-friendly apps and websites, how to show data in a clear way, how to change businesses for the better, how to start new […]

Session Video Space for positioning sign language player Keyboard Access is an integral part of web accessibility, and designers, developers and QA engineers should all be aware of this important topic. This presentation will discuss different challenges faced by keyboard-only users on the web. Attendees will learn how to implement keyboard navigation, operability, logical tabbing […]

Session Video Space for positioning sign language player Contrast and color use are two of the trickiest areas within the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). There is a great deal of fine print that can make these topics overwhelming for designers, developers, and others who create or evaluate web content. In this hands-on session, we […]

Session Video Space for positioning sign language player This talk will focus on some of the simplest but usually overlooked ways to making emails more accessible. Email still remains to be one of the most effective and profitable tools used to promote and sell products. Unfortunately, there are some specific aspects of emails that can […]

Session Video Space for positioning sign language player Oftentimes when we speak of web accessibility, our minds can immediately go to optimizing for the visually impaired – and then we stop there. Equally important to consider are those with neurodivergence, learning challenges, poor internet connections, unique devices, and more. Designers, developers, marketers, and content creators who work […]

Session Video Space for positioning sign language player POV: It’s 2023 and most images have bad alt text. Why is that? We know alt text is required to reach any level of WCAG conformance and it’s one of the top 5 most common errors in digital accessibility lawsuits and demand letters. Take a look at […]