WordPress Accessibility Day 2023

Creating an Animation Pause Button in WordPress


September 28, 2023 at 03:00 UTC

Session Video

Space for positioning sign language player

Micro-interactions and animations can be a really fun way to add a little bit of flair and personality to a website. There are some basic guidelines to follow in general when it comes to animations, but what about when it comes to respecting the preferences of the people that visit? From concept to execution, this session will go over the reasons why animation pause buttons exist, how one is created, user experience and design considerations, and look at some other examples of how this can be achieved.


Danielle is standing in front of a brick wall wearing glasses and has short dark hair shaved on the sides. They are wearing a black and red plaid shirt under a heather blue sweater with sunglasses hanging off.
Founder, Overnight Website by Kinetic Iris