WordPress Accessibility Day 2023

Speaking at WP Accessibility Day

Speaker applications are now closed! Thank you for your submissions!

Join us on to share your knowledge and experiences at the second WordPress Accessibility Day!

Can I speak at WordPress Accessibility Day?

WordPress Accessibility Day is open to anybody who wants to share information about how WordPress and Accessibility intersect. Never spoken before? That’s fine! Don’t hesitate to submit your first talk today!

What kind of talks are we looking for?

We are open to almost any talk on accessibility and inclusivity. Are you just starting to explore how accessibility impacts your site? Share what you’ve learned! Are you working on authoring new standards for the future of accessibility? The WordPress Community would love to know more about how that will impact WordPress, themes, and plugins moving forward.

We like focused, specific talks. The whole conference is about WordPress and Accessibility, so general overview talks on either topic aren’t our first choice.

Good examples of talks might include:

  • Challenges of accessibility in React applications; 
  • Implementing Accessibility in the product life cycle; 
  • Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines for plugin authors; 
  • Creating animations with accessibility in mind
  • Accessible SVG
  • Accessibility Standards in Different Niches  (Higher Education, eCommerce, Financial Institutions, Healthcare)

What does a good talk description look like?

Great talk descriptions should be clear, focused, and decisive. You should have a clear idea of what you want to say and who your target audience is. Also, be descriptive about what you want the attendees to walk away with after your session.

What do I need to know about speaking at WordPress Accessibility Day?

Full Length Talks

Full length talks will occupy an entire hour. Within that hour, you should plan on about 40 minutes to present and 10 minutes for questions from the audience. We’ll be leaving space for a 10-minute break between talks.


If you want to submit a panel discussion with a group of speakers, that could be super cool! We expect panel discussions to be 50 minutes long with questions throughout.

Do speakers get paid for speaking?

Yes! All accepted applicants will get a modest honorarium. Honorariums for 2023 are $300 for the session, paid to the applicant. For panels and co-presenters, it’s up to the applicant how to divide payments.

Propose a talk

The WordPress Accessibility Day speaker submissions opens on May 1st, 2023, and the deadline has been extended until June 18th, 2023. We’ll work as quickly as we can to select speakers, and all speakers can expect to be notified one way or the other by June 30th, 2023.

Apply to Speak

Applications to speak are now closed! Thank you for your interest in speaking at WordPress Accessibility Day 2023!